

Fireplaces are wonderful during the cold Michigan winters, but a neglected chimney can lead to potential problems in the future. Schmidt Roofing & Siding offers a variety of chimney repair services that can allow you to use your fireplace without worry.

Chimney Cap Replacement And Repairs

Chimney caps are covers that fit over chimneys to prevent moisture from rain or snow from leaking through the chimney into your home and to keep wildlife like rats and squirrels out. Chimney cap issues can escalate into more costly problems relatively quickly, so it is smart to repair any damage promptly. We also offer chimney replacement if the whole unit needs attention.

Cement Crown Repairs

The chimney crown is a part of your chimney system that sticks up above your roof and diverts rain and snow away from the flue. Cracks in the chimney crown can lead to leaks. It is important to maintain your chimney’s crown to avoid potential problems.

Chimney Crack Sealing And Waterproofing:

Chimneys with cracks and other types of damage may not ventilate properly. This could lead to the build up of carbon monoxide and other toxic gases when you try to use your fireplace.

Chimney Lining Upgrades And Repairs

Chimney linings are part of the system that protects the structural integrity of your chimney against heat and corrosion while funnelling the gaseous products of combustion formed in your fireplace outside your home. Your chimney linings must be functioning properly to ensure safe fireplace usage.

Tear Down And Rebuild

If your old chimney is in poor condition,  our team can completely remove or replace it. While more expensive than a traditional repair, it may be the safest and smartest decision since a deteriorating chimney can lead to more severe and costly issues on your roof and throughout the home

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